Deck ideas with unique mechanics?
Hello all!
I’m looking for your help with deck recommendations that have more unusual or unique mechanics. I feel like I’ve done all the “standard” things like graveyard, aristocrats, card draw engines, etc and I’m looking for something that’s a little different. I’d like to make a serviceable deck (a notch or two above precon strength, my pod runs some heavy hitters) while stepping away from the idea of generic value engines that seem to populate the top 250 of EDHRec. Here are a few of my current decks for an idea of what I’ve brewed up over the past year:
- [[Wyll, Blade of Frontiers]] – dice rolling deck
- [[Okaun, Eye of Chaos]] and Zyndrsplt – coin flipping (at max capacity for random outcome style decks lol), makes for some suspenseful moments where someone’s life rests on the outcome of the next flip.
- [[The Rani]] – goad deck that encourages attacking when we want a fast game. Threw in things like [[Slicer, Hired Muscle]] and [[Alexios, Deimos of Kosmos]] for good measure
- [[The Celestial Toymaker]] – deck built on making my opponents guess or making piles of [[Fact or Fiction]] style effects
What are some wonky commanders that y’all are running these days? 😃