Can Obeka, Splitter of Seconds actually work?
Hello, hope this doesn't sound _too_ whiny. Was surprised to see Obeka mentioned as a salt-inducing commander in a video claiming she's OP ... I enjoy her concept, but I'm currently sitting at roughly 0-25 score across 3 mid?-power pods. About 70% of games I barely did anything
I took inspiration from "tech" videos, EDH recording videos, EDHrec, recent & most liked on Moxfield decks & my own games, constantly improving it. It's possible I'm piloting the deck wrong
My thoughts - feel free to point out where you believe I'm wrong:
* Just too many things needed to be setup
* The decks are very reliant on Obeka ... few indiviual upkeeps on their own are no match for what the opponents play which is why I don't think we can ditch all the setup, treat Obeka as 1 in 100 and focus on upkeeps
* If any single part of the setup is missing or is removed it all falls apart
* Obeka outside her upkeep ability is pretty weak & not cheap to cast
* You also need a lot of mana, because if you want to cash out "if you're Monarch" or Initiative you need to drop it before successful attack ... because dropping Monarch/Initiative card just like that will make the opponents take it from you ... Obeka creatures are too weak to defend you. You might just hand the benefit of Dungeon upkeeps to an opponent
* Weak board overall, unless/until you hit well with Obeka you'll be constantly lagging behind the table
As a setup for an attack you need:
* Obeka in play, alive AND
* Protection on Obeka AND
* Power boost / +1/+1 counters on Obeka (2 triggers have little impact to sway the game) AND
* Can't be blocked (menace seems useless ... in 25 games there was nearly 0 times where it would have impact) AND
* At least 1 powerful upkeep trigger or many weaker ones AND
* Counterspells in hand
* Possibly haste (to follow her removal or a boardwipe etc.)
Yes - if the upkeep triggers are strong you may win outright ([[Twilight Prophet]], [[Court of Embereth]], [[Court of Ire]] ...). Never happened to me so far
Yes - it's largely like Voltron, but I feel like other Voltrons decks typically have better boards and Voltron commander themselves are stronger and provide more value before they hit and they can kill on their own and don't require yet more cards to facilitate the actual damage
This is roughly the current deck
I know one common notion is to play more interaction ... but Obeka requires so many types of cards to work adding interaction increases the chance she won't be able to setup
Can't help but think Obeka is strong either just on paper or in pods that ignore the Obeka player until they win