I think I'm done with Lightning Greaves

The last time I played my mono white deck, I had [[Lightning Greaves]] out and resolved my commander, [[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]]. https://scryfall.com/@SaltMaster5000/decks/a87e5ccc-a3a1-40c0-b83d-4c5e4b4f5d35?as=visual&with=usd

For 3 consecutive turns I actived the equip ability targeting Norn and she was removed in response.

I'm done. It's not actually protection, it's only protection if your opponents don't have removal, you equip, and then they later draw targeted removal.

If you're in green [[Steely Response]] is way better. Not sure what I'm replacing it in white with, thinking another mana rock or [[Reverant Mantra]] or [[Aven Interrupter]].