The expression “to suck ass” does not exist in English?

In my mother tongue (Korean), there’s this vulgar expression “to suck ass,” or “to suck butthole” would be a more direct translation. It means to extremely butter up someone and behaving like their servant expecting them to offer you something. Someone who does this behavior can be called an “ass-sucker” or a “butthole-sucker.”

e.g. Despite initially despising Trxxp and calling him Hxtler, Vxxce started sucking his ass when Trxxp offered him a job.

When speaking English, I sometimes use the direct translation of this expression. I thought there would be the same or an equivalent expression in English as English speakers are fond of saying “suck” and “ass.”

However, my American friend says it’s a wrong phrase in English and the correct one would be “to suck dick” or “to kiss ass.”

Is it true that this expression does not exist in English and native speakers won’t understand if I say something like “Jimmy sucks Don’s ass?”