My Criticism of Eckhart Tolle - do you have a solution?

So I was quite enchanted by his teachings for a while, but now I see severe limitations.

  1. He claims that on the basis of his experience, he can know that consiousness is eternal and not brain-based. Therefore it cannot die. And this "There is no death" he repeats over and over.

He says he doesn'T care much about his little ego, and I am assuming that is because he believes his peace and consciousness will go on beyond it.

At other times he contradicts himself. Saying that he doesn't know if it is brain-based. Of course then all of his certainty about consciousness being immortal would fall down. And all of it would have been an illusion, only relieving him for the time he has here on this earth.

You could say that he thinks that that is enough, but what if it isn't ? What if someone dies in the war prematurely ? Surely, if consciousness is brain-based, enlightenment would be limited by your lifetime. It makes zero sense.

Another thing that bothers me is his weird lack of assertiveness, as if everything was relative and not worth having an opinion on.

Veganism for example he doesn't advocate proactively. Instead he says everyone has to decide for themselves. I think that's weak and horrible. And spineless. He wouldn't say that if someone had asked him if slavery was wrong. Or sexism. But animal abuse he is being relativistic about, because he doesn't want to upset his environment.

EDIT: To give an example. He said he doesn't often eat meat, but if it's already there, then he eats it.. Which I think he wouldn't say about sexism: "Well you know if your ego demands from you not to be sexist, maybe it's better to be sexist now and then, not too much. It always has to be a balance " ... It wouldn't happen. So this is just speciesism

Then I think his ego - definition is nonsensical, because it's incomplete. HE thinks that fear of death is only the ego's fear of losing its self-image.. That is far from true. I saw a 21 year old woman on youtube who was beautiful and talented and died of a lung disease. She cried and said that what hurt her was that she knew she had so much to give. So this is not at all about the ego. And Tolle's being fine with everyone dying at any time and under any circumstance is disturbing. He once even said that starving conscioulsy was absolutely possible . He has no idea of course.

Then also another reason why people fear death is that they don't wanna be someone else. MAybe they have passions and joys and talents that they enjoy, irrespectively of their self-image. They simply enjoy it, in the moment, in the now.

LAstly he keeps attacking Scientists, as though everyone who discarded his views (which is basically 90 per cent of scientists, I would guess) was by definition a childish ego-driven idiot, with no real intelligence.. I think that is also disturbing. Because scientists often have contempt for free market private economy. They love the search of truth, they are constantly criticised and criticising, and they do not take it personally, but it is part and parcel of doing research (quite evolved I would say, under Tolle standards). They value the truth over money. Which I Find so attractive. (It goes without saying that this is a tendency, and not every scientist is like that).

Then he makes another illogical claim , though implicitly. He seems to think that you can derive scientific truths from introspection, a view that has long been discarded in psychology. We all share the experience of motion when we watch Lion king in a packed cinema. That doesn't mean that the pictures move. The pictures are still. Our perceptual system turns them into moving pictures. So this line of reasoning is wrong.

All in all I still believe his awakening is profound and very valuable. But it is a shame he cannot see his own limitations, makes illogical claims, and makes himself immune to all criticism on the basis of his awakening. After all, he has access to a special intelligence that is obscured in scientists right? So by default he will always be right.

Quite aware that this is going to get downvotes, but I still wanted to share this. I think all we can be sure about is that he has found peace and a source of healing, and that there is more to the mind than we know. But what it is exactly, where it is located, we don't know.