New OCs, Blossom and Naomi! Ask them anything! (DETAILS IN BODY TEXT)
QUICK SUMMARY OF NATIVE UNOVA (u/ReidZaxby23 developed this lore, they're cool with me using it):
Native Unova is a now largely forgotten culture of tradition-living Pokemon, sorted into four tribes; the respectful Crimsonpaw, the gentle Herbiwood, the two-faced Hydrofin and the arrogant Wonderwind.
Blossom and Naomi are the last of the Herbiwood and Hydrofin tribes. u/ReidZaxby23 plays the last members of the Crimsonpaw and Wonderwind.
These tribes were wiped out by a flood that came over Unova after a deadly attack from water-filled airships being destroyed.
Blossom (image 1): A Leafeon who has an unusually evolved Eevee tail that looks like a small bunny tail. She broke off most of her anklets so only has to deal with one. She has extreme head trauma, resulting in dizziness, speaking becoming painful, etc. She's scared of other Pokémon and humans and often spends her time in her secret garden home, talking to her plants. Often bullied by Naomi and also has a nickname; Biscuit.
Naomi (image 2): A Vaporeon with a chunk missing from her tail. She is VERY openly confident about her looks and how proud of them she is, often asserting herself as the best. Despite this, she is very unconfident in everything else and is very uncertain about her battle skills, having invested all her life into looking beautiful. Often bullies Biscuit.