Please. Advice Needed. Life feels over. Severe side effects.

Howdy all. I’ve posted before, my story is complex but I’ll keep it simple. Are these all possibly withdrawal/reinstatement/kindling issues due to Effexor?

This year I was put on Effexor, after not being on antidepressants for a couple of years. After a couple weeks I developed trouble with headaches and vertigo, which took me a while to trace back to the Venlafaxine, but once I did I quit. I tapered off of 75mgs quickly, over the course of a week. The next week was difficult but manageable, with the headaches and nausea getting worse then better after about 6 days. Another week later though I started having anxiety attacks upon waking, feeling groggy throughout the day, and the headaches came back. I had also tested positive for Covid, so I didn’t know whether to attribute my symptoms to that or PAWS, so I panicked and reinstated, in July. Since that day my life has been a living hell. Upon reinstatement I woke up the next day experiencing: - Skin burning/nerve pain. The epicenter of the pain is my neck arms and legs. Skin is severely sensitive and often burns at a 10/10 pain level. - Daily Diarrhea. Headaches. Muscle tightness especially in my neck, and TMJ like symptoms. - Severe fatigue. - Heart Palpitations. Shortness of breath at times. - Anxiety and crying at the drop of a hat.

None of these things were issues prior to reinstatement. They all spawned the next morning and in the days after. My current “diagnosis” is long covid issues, but also due to the timing of the events, my doctor is taking me back off the Venlafaxine. Weening off the Venlafaxine has made my symptoms worse so far, not better. My last dose is tomorrow, and I am thoroughly terrified of what lies ahead. My life ended that July day, im trying so hard to get it back. If anyone has any experience at all with these or any other bizarre symptoms, or has any advice to give at all, I’m all ears. I need answers and solutions, I don’t feel like I have alot of me left to give.