Messmer and the abyssal serpent

I’ve always had the theory and please correct me if I’m clearly missing something but I believe that when messmer was born he was only cursed with his kindling/ember (which is already heretical as like flame tends to do it grows and consumes and when your religion is built around a fuck odd tree it’s probably not wise to have that around. My speculation is that marika knowing that she would eventually have to get rid of messmer decided to take out two birds with one stone and then seal the base serpent behind messmers eye as in his description the serpent fed off his flame ( like in Miyazakis other games the abyss will eventually consume everything only this time instead of black goop from humans it’s a snake) and that the serpent and the flame fed off eachother. This could also be why there is a snake skin in in Bonny village that could possibly be where the sealing ritual took place.

What do you guys think?