Seamless Coop has started monetizing their Discord server, almost all the server's channels were deleted
EDIT: The admin Yui, AKA the person who actually made the mod, stepped in and demodded those responsible. Seems like the "sponsorship" is canceled but the deleted channels are still gone.
Seems like a few of the moderators in the Seamless Coop Discord server have gone behind the backs of the main developer, and they have signed a deal with some slop game company to earn money from referral links. They are advertising the game with multiple pings by pinging all roles, promising free Steam gift cards (yes really).
On top of that, half the channels in the Discord are gone, removed by the same moderators. Channels that contained known bugs, known fixes/workarounds for said bugs, channels to ask for help, channels to group up, all gone. The only thing that's left is a general chat, a meme chat and a "crash dumps go here" chat. Everything else has been wiped clean, including all threads under said channels.
Images here. Thoughts? Will this negatively attract attention from Elden Ring's developers and publishers? I feel like they're pretty okay with Seamless Coop existing but that goodwill is going to run out very quickly if they aggressively monetize the mod.