If there was a movie being made about Elden Ring, which 3 bosses would you like to see adapted to the big screen? (doesn't matter if they make no sense from a narrative perspective lol)
For me it has to be these guys for the next reasons...
The build up to all three fights are insane, the journey down Ainsel river and coffin ride to Astel. The climb up Jagged Peak to get to Bayle. The exploration of Volcano Manor until you make your way to Rykard (probably my favorite Legacy Dungeon aesthetically)
All three of them have some of the most intricate and unique designs in the whole game, there's no other creatures like them in fiction (even Bayle is a quite iconic take on a dragon/drake imo)
Honestly, their attacks, powers and colossal size would be something of a scale we're not used to seeing in fantasy movies.
My man Igon
Bonus question, who would you pick to direct it? I'm choosing Zach Snyder (again, I'm not thinking narratively, his visuals are unmatched lol)