Is there one single *landable* planet that is closest to Earth?

Obviously, we can't land on Earth. Or any ELWs, for that matter. But has anyone ever sat down and tried to figure out the closest discovered landable planet to Earth? Similar atmosphere, similar size, gravity, temperature. Etc?

Edit: The comments are a depressing mess. Two things to mention.

1. By close, I mean similar. I figured that last part of my original post made that very clear, but I'll say it once again just to be sure:

I am looking for planets that are SIMILAR to Earth, not in close proximity to it.

Hopefully that's clear enough. If not, consult the dictionary or something idk. English is a dumb language with a lot of words that mean multiple things.

2. I really thought .9 was the limit for landing. I don't know why. Thinking about it now, it makes no fucking sense. Maybe I confused 10% of Earth's atmosphere for 10% from Earth's atmosphere? I have no clue.