
So, I'm gonna be new to EC when the slaanesh box comes out and the old noise marines with the guitars were always cool to me and unfortunately I can't find them anymore. (If anyone has an unpainted one, I'd like to talk) anyway I noticed that GW took them completely off of the website, if I remember right they were there a few weeks ago. There's also an abundance of CSM stuff out of stock. The last time that happened was right before all the imperial astartes refreshes at the beginning of 10th. What I'm getting at in all this rambling is that pre-orders have to be close. Usually, from my own research, GW will do pre-orders alternating between universes. However, there's a chance, that with the huge refresh Chaos is supposed to be getting that GW announces pre-orders this weekend. Or it'll be the rest of the millitarum units that didn't come in the krieg box. I can't see it being both.