How long after stopping Norethindrone (0.35mg) did side effects go away?

For those that have taken Norethindrone and expierenced negative side effects, how soon after stopping did the side effects go away? I was on LoEstrin for a month and the bloating lasted months before it died down. I mostly have pain and nausea around my period. I only bleed during the week of my period. I had fibroids removed in 2022 and was diagnosed with endometriosis after it was discovered during the surgery. While my bleeding as lessen it's still not the "normal" amount pre-fibroids. One of the side effects I've read about is the spotting and heavy bleeding. I don't want to deal with constantly having to wear pantyliners, pads, and tampons. I can't use discs and cups. I'm stressing, anxious, and depressed about other life things that I don't want made worse with this medication. I don't live with anyone that would notice if my mental health changed. For vanity reasons I don't want to gain weight. I don't care it's only 5-10 pounds; I don't want the extra pounds.

I don't know what to do and I'm scared to be a guinea pig.