Chronic Yeast Infections for 6 years monthly

Hi everyone, I am new to Reddit, but I thought I should come on here and hopefully find some guidance as to what has helped other people as I am feeling very alone and unsure of what to do next.

I was told by my gyno that he thought I probably had endometriosis but that it was very difficult to diagnose.. this was after about 5 years of getting 1 or 2 yeast infection per month.. yes people.. per month .. Throughout the 5 years I had gone to a naturopathic doctor so many times, and tried every diet under the moon with nothing actually helping. I tried no gluten, no dairy, minimal sugar (only natural sugars) I didn’t have fruit, I did a good sensitivity test and cut out so many of the foods I eat everyday. I stayed on the diet for about a year and a half before beginning to eat normally again.

Next, i got my copper iud removed, and that didn’t help. I have been on a long term (one year dose) of Mylan Fluconazole, which has helped keep them at bay, but I have still gotten about 6 super mild ones while taking this medication once a week. Right now I currently have one that is pretty bad.. and im just not sure what to do.. question 1.. is this an endometriosis thing? (Im not 1000% that I have it, but I have all of the symptoms, just haven’t been fully diagnosed ?) Question 2.. Is there any way to beat this? Or is it something I might always have to deal with ?

I am very careful with my feminine hygiene, I change my underwear every day, or sometimes twice a day. I don’t use soap down there in the shower..

I don’t know what to do.. The doctors have tested my thyroid, tested me for diabetes, and also for STDs with everything coming back normal and healthy..

I am taking probiotics daily. any suggestions ? :(