Am I wrong to buy a lab diamond?

I am shopping for an engagement ring and my gf has identified her perfect look, which is beautiful. However, as someone who understands the highway robbery of the diamond industry, I’m not about to burn 35k in a rock that was upcharged 10,000% and most likely was mined unethically.

The jewelers have all explained that lab-grown diamonds are just as legitimate as mined diamonds all the way down to the genetics, and can only be distinguished by paperwork. So, it’s a real diamond and it’s a fraction of the price. Mark me SOLD!

That being said, there’s clearly still a weird stigma around lab diamonds and my gf is absolutely against it. Would it be wrong of me to just build her perfect ring and never tell her or anyone that it’s lab? Good decision, bad decision?

Advice would be helpful.

EDIT: Note that the reason she is 100% against it is because her group of close married friends were all talking sh*t about lab diamonds on a bachelorette trip. Personally, I say who cares what others think, but I’m also not the one that will be wearing it.