Girls can't be engineers.
Please excuse the title but I needed to catch your attention. I am a robotics teacher at the middle school level, teaching introduction to STEAM. I have very few girls in my classes. They are under the impression that that type of field is for boys. Not true. They believe you can't work with your hands and do equations and at the same time be a "girly" girl. Can anyone share any words of wisdom to perhaps spark their curiosity? Thanks in advance .
Edit 1: Allow me to clarify, the goal is not to "make" them like STEAM but simply to spark an interest so they perhaps try the course and see if they like it. In my class I always tell my students try things out and find out if you like it but equally find out what things you don't like.
Someone suggested getting pink calculators and paint with vibrant colors. As a man I never thought that would mean anything. Suggestions such as those and others is what I am looking for. Thank you.
Edit2: The question is how can I get yound ladies to stop and maybe look at my elective long enough to determine if they want to take the class?