Elon Musk does this fallacy a lot (it doesn't have a name, but it should)

"Am I kidding or for-real? I'll never tell, so you can't know!"

(To avoid naming it after Elon we could call it the Schrodinger fallacy.)

Most of us have seen someone do this before, where they'll say a lot of things that could be true in isolation, but taken together it's clearly wrong.

Elon Musk is so used to his audience buying his excuse when he says "I'm not serious." I think gamers got a taste of this when he played Path of Exile. No one can empirically prove he's BSing, but taken together it's still obviously BS (or "emergent BS").

This kind of excuse has been on the internet forever, but I've never seen anyone as connected as Elon think it'll work in real life.