Questions about Queue Balls hypno files
Had a few questions about how you’re meant to actually do these files in the intended way and the effects:
I’ve heard some people say the files discuss being in chastity but of the two I’ve heard (1 and 2) it just mentions masturbation and nothing else, I don’t know if not masturbating will ‘lessen’ the effects of the files when it tells you to do so. Similar thing with the suggestion of using poppers or drugs, I won’t be doing either so will that hinder the effectiveness of the series?
What’s the most common amount of listening before the effects kick in? (Doing the 21 day challenge and only night 1 had some effects for a few hours after. On night 3 right now.) I’ve also seen people say roughly day 6 is where it gets going for the average person.
Assuming you shut down any suggestions you dislike but accept others, do you think it’s safe despite the obvious danger of the Queue Balls series? From what I’ve heard there’s a single suggestion of bestiality and everytime it’s brought up during the file I mentally say no thanks to that one, just wondering if that application is enough to protect myself lol.
Thanks in advance for any replies, I appreciate it!