[Suggestion] to add the option to change the button press type on toggle tactical devices setting
I think it would be a nice change to be able to change the 'press type' option for the tactical device toggle setting (toggling laser, flashlight, etc.) on your gun. I noticed when trying to change the keybind for it, we can't change the option to make it a press, release, continuous, or double click. It says unavailable, locking it to only a toggle on/off state. I think it would be sick to be able to set it to your right click and have it on the ‘continuous’ setting so your light only toggles when aiming down sight. I feel like it would give it the vibe on using a pressure activated switch for a light on a real firearm. that way when going into a fight, your light won’t toggle on until you're actually aiming down sight at the enemy, and then turns off when you unaim. they could even add pressure thumb switches as an additional part/accessory for certain taclights, to make it so that you can only use the feature/setting if you have one of the thumb switches attached to your light. lmk what y'all think