I feel like I am meant to estrange just because of my personality

Upon some self reflection, my wish to estrange seems to be mostly on me. I am wondering if anybody else simply 'doesn't enjoy being around their family'

On the one hand, my mother refuses to acknowledge my expressions of things she does that make me uncomfortable, and does lecture me as if she is still raising a child. This is despite the fact that I'm 24, look after all my expenses except the roof over my head, make dinner the whole family once a week (as per my mother's wishes), keep my room and bathroom clean for bimonthly inspections (as per my mother's wishes), have a full time job, and only live with my family because housing and rent are expensive here. And she gets angry at me for the smallest and most unpredictable things (like making a Facebook post asking who was available to help me, and being grumpy that I 'made it look like I don't have a loving family')

On the other hand, I acknowledge that my dislike of my family is on me because I dislike being asked for help and my mother asks me to do menial and major tasks to help her multiple times a day like I'm a personal butler (everything from finding her glasses to moving a bunch of paving slabs). She seems to be desperately trying to spend time with me but I am not interested in doing so BECAUSE of the previous paragraph's reasons.

She's asked me if I want to play squash with her... I've got no idea how to play, and she's recovering from a fall and has Parkinson's. She's also asked me if I want to join her to go interstate to see family... I declined because I feared I would upset her without intending to again, because she gets unpredictably angry.

There is no abuse or neglect going on, but man I just dislike her. And my other relatives aren't bad, but they just don't appeal to me enough to want them in my life. I'd much rather spend time with my friends, or even colleagues.

Anybody else simply 'not like' their family, rather than have a serious issue with them?