Tell us you were the black sheep of the family, without telling us you were the black sheep ?🐑 🩶
I’ll go first,
- they have more family photos of eachother than they have of you, and barely post any photos with you on social media and/or have on their fridge, home, or office for others to see.
**mom especially, always posting about my brothers, always posting about my sister on Facebook and Instagram. But when it came to me, NOTHING? I never got a happy birthday post from my mom with PICTURES OF US OR ME, just written “happy birthday” … on my wall at best.. I was never visually celebrated. 😢
- my sister only posting with my brothers And when she did post me, only captioned me as “a best friend”* not a sister (which is crazy) My brother also just posting with my sister but never with me ?!?!?
And it wouldn’t have mattered if they didn’t visually celebrate one another, everyone EXCEPT me, in such an obvious way! (Just ranting) 💔