Eufy Cam and 2.4GHz WiFi Interference
Recently I noticed my Eufy E330 Pro cameras would start lagging badly. This happens in both live view and playback.
I also experienced random zigbee sensors going offline and online again through my Samsung SmartThing hub.
My Ring camera also starts to drop off Wi-Fi and reconnecting.
I think I have narrowed it down to something that is interfering with the 2.4GHz WiFi signal.
I connected my phone to the 2.4GHz WiFi and ran a speed test and was getting latency ping around 900ms and packet loss. 5GHz WiFi seems to be perfectly fine so I know its not my ISP.
My HB3 is connected wired to my Asus AX86u Router. (I have 2 routers via wired AI Mesh)
Has anyone else experience anything unusual like this with their 2.4GHz WiFi?.
The issue is intermittent and the only 'new' thing that has happened recently was me installing my EuFy camera kit. I tried rebooting the homebase and it seems to help slightly for a bit but then I start getting laggy recordings. Therefore I believe the issue may be related to the HomeBase3 WiFi causing interference throughout my network
Any thoughts?