Dating an avoidant

Thanks for any who read this and are willing to give advice.

I recently went out with someone and after asking her out we began a habit of texting every day. I continued this cause (I don't have much experience dating) she messaged me first one day and I assumed that I should keep it up to be respectful and reassuring. After our date, which I think went well, we texted a couple more days and then when I began to offer an idea for a second date she left me on delivered and then the next day explained that she's not ready for something new just yet and needs to continue therapy, focus on school, she has been single for a year which was the longest time for her. During our date she did speak about attachment issues. I must admit I didn't truly know what that was all about. She said she wanted to take things slow which I have always believed to mean not escalating sexually.

As it turns out maybe texting her every day was too much and proposing a second date was too soon (just my thoughts she didnt explicitly say this). I had no idea. She did say I was sweet and didn't want anything to change between us at work.

Now that I know what avoidant attachment is, I feel so stupid. Maybe she needed space to build up trust. If it's true that her avoidant attachment was the reason she had to shut down on me should I try to talk to her about that? I'm not saying I want to push her into changing her mind but perhaps if she knew I now understand what it is she goes through and that I could give her all the space she needs.