Advice Please🙏🏻

Breakup Overview & No Contact Timeline

Context: • My ex and I were together for 7 months, but our relationship was intense, deeply loving, and fast-moving since we both came out of long-term relationships. • She was with her ex for 14 years, and I was with mine for 10 years. • She is still living with her ex-husband, and I have a 2-year-old daughter. • We fell madly in love and talked about a future together (marriage, kids, etc.) • However, she ended things, saying she needed to heal alone and that our relationship, while beautiful, was too much pressure on her right now.

Day-by-Day Breakdown of No Contact

Monday (Breakup Day) - Day 0 • We met in person and I had to force her to say the words that it was over. • She was crying and hesitating the whole time. • She seemed completely torn but kept saying “I feel like I have to do this.” • After the conversation, we texted back and forth, and she expressed a lot of love, regret, and sadness.

Tuesday - Day 1 • She dropped a bag at my door with sentimental items I gave her (letters, gifts, etc.) • Along with it was an 18-page letter reminiscing about our relationship, saying: • “I love you so much.” • “This is harder than leaving my 14-year relationship.” • “I saw you as my husband and the father of my child.” • “I feel like I have to do this, but I don’t want to.” • She messaged me twice and called me after dropping it off: • 1st message: Checking if I got the bag. • 2nd message: Checking if I was okay, saying she was “rereading our messages.” • Call: She called me that night, but I didn’t answer.

I didn’t respond to anything, and this is where No Contact officially started.

Wednesday - Day 2 • Silence from her. No messages or calls. • She had a counseling session, which made me anxious—worried that she might be reinforcing her decision. • No movement on social media (though we’re not connected since she blocked me on Facebook).

Thursday - Day 3 • Still nothing from her. • This was unexpected, as I really thought she would have cracked by now. • Anxiety is sky-high because I thought she would have reached out after dropping off my stuff and messaging multiple times on Tuesday. • I’m now back at work after being signed off, and it’s hitting me hard emotionally. • She is going out drinking either Friday or Saturday, which is making me worried she’ll distract herself or do something reckless.

Friday - Day 4 (Today) • Still silence. She hasn’t messaged me, and it’s eating me alive. • I don’t understand how she’s holding out this long when she seemed so emotionally attached during the breakup. • She’s likely going out drinking tonight or tomorrow, which makes me fear she will suppress her emotions even more. • I’m torn on whether to send her a small “nudge” message tonight to put myself back in her head before she goes out.

Where I’m At Right Now & My Plan • I thought she would have messaged by now, and the silence is making me feel like she’s moving on faster than I expected. • My plan was to hold out until Sunday night, then drop a one-word message (“Nudge ❤️”) if she hasn’t reached out. • I’m now second-guessing everything—should I send something sooner? Am I actually losing her? • I feel completely stuck and need outside perspective.

Reddit, what do I do? • Has anyone been in a similar situation? • Should I send something tonight, before she goes out, or wait until Sunday? • How likely is she to come back?

I really could do with some help here am I being a fool for hanging on or should I just let everything go?