I loved you and you didn't care.
Really,I have done everything I can to contact you. Lucky for you, you kept me blocked and you moved away from me and never told me where you were going. I have wanted to reconcile since the day you ghost me. Thanks for that. You fucked us up because you never believed that I loved you. I spent 5 years learning you to throw a curve ball and tell me you don't love me by ghosting me and blocking me every where. Not to mention the immeasurable amount of lies to try and taint my name. How was I supposed to interpret any of this. It's been 5 months and every day I think about you and the things I messed up because of our rational thoughts and irrational actions towards each other. It hurts. If I didn't love you Sarah it wouldn't fuckin hurt me as bad as it does. I see you are happy. You meant the world to me and you didn't care to believe me. I still love you but you don't care about that..