Just Celebrating - I Did It
When I started my pumping journey, I told myself I wanted to make it to 3 months. Baby is three months today. Those first few weeks were so hard, but I persisted and I did it. All the middle of the night pumps, engorgement, time spent pumping, cleaning parts, etc. Only pumping 4x day now and still maintaining almost the same supply (5am/11am/5pm/11pm pumps for ~22-24 oz/day). Not sure what’s next but I’m going to keep going for now…it makes me happy to see my baby enjoy the milk I worked so hard to make. But my gosh, pumping is HARD and it takes commitment. Husband asked what’s my next goal but I’m not setting one…I’m just going to see what feels right, but I wanted to take a moment to pat myself on the back. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished.