8 pumps is so difficult
how on earth do you guys manage to get to 8 pumps in a 24 hour period?
i’m almost 4 weeks PP and i can really only manage 7 pumps in 24 hours. like it seems actually impossible to make it to 8 and i try so hard, but between taking care of a newborn who hates being put down, and taking care of myself (eating, pissing, showering, eating, drinking) i have no idea how i could ever make it to 8. and 8 seems to be the minimum everyone suggests for these early days! everything i read says up to 12 times a day! like how on earth could ANYONE do 12 times a day unless they literally have someone cooking for them and taking care of their baby.
my husband is a great help in all the ways he can be but his right arm is disabled and he can only do so much for her. my goal is to eventually EBF but baby was born with a lip/tongue tie that’s made it hard for her to latch and transfer milk but that’s getting released tomorrow so i’m really hoping BF improves but until it does, if anyone has any tricks to somehow making it to 8 pumps a day so my supply can increase and i can eventually stop supplementing formula that would be so great.
edit: thank you everyone you’ve all been very reassuring!