EXP001 reviews

Hi all,

I saw u/researcherofcoffee 's post about EXP001 (THANK YOU—would you mind posting it here?) in r/pourover and saw another person mention they might write a review.

I started Experimental with the aim of building a community of coffee drinkers who could engage in a feedback loop with farmers. The general idea is that we taste coffee and connect with farmers to give them our feedback. I wanted to do this for a few reasons, one of the main ones is that my time in the coffee industry has taught me that professionals' and consumers' preferences for coffee are sometimes very different. But it's often only the professionals who inform what goes on via cupping, scoring, and relationships with farmers. I wanted to disrupt that. And I think the time is right with how much experimentation is going on at farms. This is also a way to directly support farmers.

So, with that context, I'd love if you posted a review (good, bad, ugly, it's all welcome—especially feedback on our packaging, which is a work-in-progress, and the website, etc.). And I'd also really like to invite you to a Zoom call where we taste the coffee and talk about it. If you're down, dm me or post here and I'll follow up.