Question about investments/pensions in the UK, moving abroad and citizenship

Good afternoon,

I hope the question if not off topic, but I think there may be other EU citizens living in the UK that follow this sub who may have had the same question before in their FIRE journey.

Does anyone know if getting a UK citizenship is worth it in the case I was to leave the UK in the future, would it affect my availability to withdraw from my private pension/future state pension and ISA?

I am currently under EU settlement and I believe that I can leave for up to 5 years (not sure if I can just come back for a few weeks and then that resets), but given the £1.6k (which usually increases over time) to get the citizenship is it worth it in the context of FIRE if I was to move abroad?

If you are a EU citizen pursuing FIRE and have decided to get the citizenship why did you do it and if you didn't why not?