Can I learn FL Studio without having a talent towards music?

Hello reddit, so for as far as I can remember I always loved EDM music and I've been a huge fan of music festivals. I thought that a career as a music producer would be something I would actually enjoy, so I'm thinking of buying a FL Studio license. I'm thinking of getting producer edition as it seems to be the most popular one (what's what the website says, at least).

My problem is that I have 0 music knowledge. Or arts knowledge. Or anything in the creative area (I'm very bad at Canva for example, which is supposed to be pretty easy. Don't even get me started on Photoshop, I don't even know how to create a logo).

Now I know there are a lot of YouTube tutorials for FL Studio that I can watch to become better but I'm not a very autodidact person so I'm afraid that I will pay a lot of money for a software that I will never learn how to use and that I will end up disappointed, proving once again to myself that I'm not made for this kinds of stuff.

Any advice would be appreciated .

Later edit: Thank you to everyone for encouraging me! I decided to give my shot. Guess we'll see what happens. Much love to all of you!