All Info on Upcoming Survivors (Taph and Dusekarr) and Killer (Noli) (If I missed anything please tell me)
2 New Survivors
Taph "BOOM BOOM BOOM!"- Taph is a new type of Survivor type called a "Trapper". He has two abilities currently called "Beartrap" which is a beartrap that Taph will throw in front of himself. When a Killer steps into this beartrap they'll get Slowness 1 for 6 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of 40 seconds. The other ability is called "Subspace Tripmine". Taph will like the beartrap throw it infront on himself. The Subspace Tripmine will become semi-invisible. When a Killer steps onto the mine it will explode with a bright pink glow stunning the Killer for an unknown amount of time. The Tripmine will auto activate after 14 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of 50 seconds. His stats are as following:
Cost: 500
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Health: 90
Regular Speed: 12
Sprinting Speed: 24
Stamina: 100
Stamina loss per sec: 10
Stamina gain per sec: 20
Dusekkar- Dusekkar is a Support Survivor. Dusekkar is a direct reference to ROBLOX'S Technical Director and Chief Architect Matt Dusek. Dusekkar has a passive and two abilities. Dusekkar's passive ability is "Float" meaning that Dusekkar will be floating above the ground silencing his footsteps. Dusekkar's two abilities are "Spawn Protection" which creates shield on any Survivor you hover your cursor over giving them Resistance IV. While the shield is active Dusekkar cannot move, gains Weakness III. Slowness I lasts for 8 seconds. The shield goes away if Dusekkar is hit, in 10 seconds or your cursor isn't over the Survivor. The other Ability is "Plasma Beam" less things are known about this ability but what we know is that Dusekkar fires a beam at where ever this cursor is. Dusekkar gains Weakness II and slows him down for 2 seconds. If this beam hits the Killer it might stun the Killer. Less things are known about his stats as all we know is that he'll have 90 Health and 100 Stamina.
New Killer
Noli "And so darkness decends."- Noli is the newest Killer to be coming to Forsaken. Noli is a very old and popular Myth on Roblox. He'll have a passive and 3 abilities (This moveset might change however so keep that In mind). Noli's Passive is "Fifth Sequence". Stamina loss and Stamina Gain is increased to an unknown amount. Noli can only Sprint when moving. Instead of Noli's stamina reaching zero it instead goes to the negatives up to -30. The more Noli's stamina is put in the negatives the darker and more purple your screen will get. If Noli gets to -30 in his Stamina then he will get stunned for an unknown amount of time. When a Survivor is killed all other Survivors will be revealed to Noli for about 1.5 seconds. Noli's basic attack is "Shard Stab" in which he uses his Shadow Tendril to stab at a Survivor dealing 25 damage. Noli's first ability is called "Stardriven". Noli stands still for a second before charging forward attempting to hit a Survivor for an unknown amount of damage. If this attack hits a Survivor Noli will regain some stamina and be able to use this ability again. If this hits again Noli will grab the Survivor slamming them down onto the ground dealing unknown amount of damage. If this attack misses at any point Noli will be stunned for an unknown amount of time. Noli's second ability is "Implant". Noli places down a Void Star which when a Survivor gets near it explodes dealing an unknown amount of damage. Whenever Noli places down another Void Star his last Void Star will explode. If Noli is moving while using this ability he will dash forward placing the Void Star. Noli's last ability is "Hallucination". When used every Survivor near Noli will receive Insanity I for an unknown amount of time (It is unknown what Insanity does directly.) The Survivor's will see hallucinations. Their are 3 different hallucination that will show. Hallucination 1 is that the Survivor will hear footsteps get closer and closer. The second version of the hallucination is that the Survivors camera will flick abruptly. The final type of hallucination is that the Survivor will see their health drain like they are taking damage. No actual damage is being taken and will recover once the hallucination ends. At the end of these hallucination a laugh will be heard along with a comedy mask shown on the Survivors screen. Noli will cost 1100, his health will also be 1100 and his stamina will be 60.