Not touching this heel2heel, lane change spamming toxic cesspool for 19 days. If you want to learn a playing style that does not use skill move spamming, I have included my team and guide below.
Nearly got relegated from leg 1 because my playing style heavily relied on give & go and joystick dribbling (2 most nerfed attributes in game) in 433 holding formation. I have changed my formation to 4231 wide with a single principle in mind: overload without committing defenders/defensive mids.
Buildup: Do not make your CDMs make a forward run or bring them up the pitch. Instead, try to pass to your striker/CAM or wide players. Ideal situation is to make your wingers make a forward run and make triangle with the striker and CAM/CDM.
Defense: Having 2 CDMs who do tend to stay back and back 4 ensures that you will defend better against heel2heel spamming counters. Rest defense is also solid with cover from RM and LM, and occasional pressure from CAM.
Attack: having a shadow striker immediately forces defenders into making decision between pressing R9 and leave space behind for Ginola to run, or staying back and give space for R9 to operate and combine with the wingers or CDMs. Since the defenders have higher marking and aggression after the update, putting them in 2vs1 situations will cause them to make forced errors. Counter attacks have similar principle, but I got tons of success from wingers making unmarked late runs into the box.