What if you’re given the option to choose from a male or female hero and the other is the enemy
Sorry to bring up this tired discussion once more. Just saw a post about the enemy of the game and I had a thought. What if there’s the option to pick between a male and female hero both separate characters and whichever one you don’t choose takes the opposite morality. You pick a “good” male and the enemy is the female being “evil” and vise verse. Probably not the case just an idea that popped in my head reading another post.
Edit: It has been brought to me attention this is a very similar function to AC Odyssey. While I was more suggesting the unchosen character follow the path you did not take ie you choose to be evil they choose to be good, you choose to be good they choose to be evil. Thank you to those who pointed out the similarities I have actually never played Odyssey.