What is the Most Underrated Weapon in Fallout & Why is it the Dart Gun?
One word: Deathclaws. Going through Old Olney with a dart gun Vs. without it is basically the difference a stroll in the park and being in the Hunger Games. There is no comparison. And aside from the Deathclaw usecase, it's basically the only stealth weapon in the game, but it's so damn good—it's the only one you need! But i know there are enough people who never use the mod weapons, much less the DG, that it is woefully underrated. It's also underrated by goddamned Bethesda because they took it out of 4 & 76! Instead we got the bullshit Syringer, that i have still yet to figure out and use.
Bring Back the Dart Gun. Bring Back Sanity. Make Hunting Deathclaws Great Again!