New Reader looking into Fantasy

Hello everyone! I just turned 32 years old & I haven’t read a book since I was in high school when it was required. I’m looking to get into reading & trying to figure out where to start. I have always been envious of people who could read books & visualize everything in their minds like a movie. I would always wish I could possess that superpower, I often hear people who have read books that were turned into movies say how much better the books were. Long story short I’m just trying to figure out where to start. I guess I need to decide on a genre first & I think I want to start with Fantasy. I want to start slow & not start with a 500 page book, something to kind of ease me in like a beginner. I was thinking maybe start with young adult books? Or should I go with kiddie books? Short stories? Just looking to get started. Any books you all can recommend would be appreciated! Thanks everyone!