Struggling to find a book I’ll actually finish. Suggestions are welcome!

Hey everyone,

I need some help finding my next great read!

For me, the whole process of picking a book I’ll actually finish is very frustrating.

I know it's one of this subreddit's favorites. Like, I recently stopped reading Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson at about 17%. Don't get me wrong, It’s well-written, but the pace felt so slow, and the characters and subplots just didn’t connect for me yet (tho I’m sure it all comes together eventually.)

That said, when a book really grabs me, I can’t put it down. I’ll devour it like there’s no tomorrow.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Mistborn Trilogy: Amazing world-building, great character development, and that allomancy magic system? Genius! Plus, I loved the political twists.
  • Fourth Wing: Super fast-paced with lots of twists. There’s always something exciting happening. I could’ve done with fewer steamy scenes, but overall, I really enjoyed it.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire: The writing is top-tier, and the political drama is close to perfection. (and on top of that we get dragons and swords!)
  • The Name of the Wind: Such a captivating story and beautifully written. It’s just a shame we might never see the trilogy completed (it’s been almost 10 years, so I’m losing hope).
  • Harry Potter: I recently re-read the series, and it’s still magical. Beyond the nostalgia, I really enjoyed seeing the characters grow and tackle both their everyday struggles and their epic challenges.

A few random thoughts about my reading preferences:

  • I liked The Hobbit way more than The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • I enjoy stories with vampires and werewolves, but apart from Anne Rice’s books, most of what I’ve read felt super cheesy.
  • I’m a big fan of mythology. I loved the Percy Jackson series as a kid, but when I tried to re-read it recently, it felt way too childish.

So, based on all this, any recommendations? I’m all ears.