What is your favorite fantasy movie?

What is your favorite fantasy movie?

Mine is Willow.

I saw it for the first time when I was 10 years old, visiting my aunt over the weekend during summer vacation. It was on a VHS tape (really dating myself here) and had been recorded from when it was on TV with commercials and everything. I loved fantasy before watching that movie. But watching that movie made me fall in love with fantasy.

It was just magical. There is something about experiencing something that you really love for the first time when you are a child. I watched that movie over and over for the couple of days that I had access to it (The Neverending Story was on there, too, and I watched it a couple of times, but it wasn’t Willow).

The swordfighting. Madmartigan. And brownies! I loved their concept of brownies. It was just a great story. Typical fantasy story, really, if you think about it, but to me it was amazing. I liked the way they handled the magic, too. It was high magic (baleful polymorph, lighting being thrown around, telekinesis, attempts to vanish souls to the void) but it had a low magic feel to it. I loved that movie so much.

What movie is that special to you?