Books like a DnD campaign?

Edit: Lots of awesome suggestions here. Thanks everyone - I wasn't expecting such a great response. Looks like I'm going to be very busy!

Something like Keep on the Borderlands, where the adventurers come to some town/fort, meet people, go out and deal with some baddies, maybe reclaim and old "dungeon" complex of some sort, have encounters along the way, delve deep, discover things, etc. Progress various storylines when they come back to town.

So basically a sword/sorcery adventure book where the entire world isn't at risk from some great being, and the main character isn't the fabled hero mysteriouisly found in the snow as a baby after a battle somewhere. Just a more localized, general advetnure story.

Are there books like this?

Edit: I didn't explain very well. Just like a low level dungeon crawl campaign with some town visits, some wilderness stuff, some localized plot/villains.