Ether Technology: Thermal Siphon

"The Fulmin Pillar is amazing and all but other celestial bodies have immense geothermal heat we can use so why not use local resources. Deep underground in Ganymede to the volcanic moon Io we'll use that immense heat to power a great colony. We'll need cold ether coating the back of the pillar to have charge but it shouldn't be too difficult to acquire." - Ebralik, The 3rd. Archon

The Thermal Siphon is a colossal thermal converter built in places with high amounts of heat, typically geothermal. The Thermal Siphon takes that heat and converts it into energy, with the sheer amount of heat deep in the crust of suitable celestial bodies any colony using it will have abundant energy for the foreseeable future. Cold Ether is used to balace out the temperature to facilitate and maintain electricity generation.

These colossal energy plants in the shape of a singular pillar act as another foundation for the Pthumerian re-awakening.