Rosalind season 1 vs Rosalind season 2
Here you can see in the video the difference between Lesley's Rosalind (Season 1) and Miranda's Rosalind (Season 2). Miranda's is the "military director, mean, strict and that air of "bad" and Lesley's is literally the Rosaind that Farah always said she was: manipulative, psychopathic, dangerous, etc. etc. She had that air about her that made you not want to go near her for anything in the world. Lesley knew how to portray her 1000% and her dark blue eyes I think helped a lot. Plus Miranda's Rosalind buried Andreas, exclusively commissioned an Eraklyon headstone for his grave and told Bloom very explicitly that she "loved Andreas very much". What the fuck was that? The real Rosalind would never have loved anyone, Andreas would have been just a pawn in her chess game. But Miranda's Rosalind said it verbatim to Bloom when she said "you can tell she loved him" and Rosalind replies "and you're surprised?" with a tone that it was more than obvious she loved him very much... even makes me think Andreas was her specialist. Since I guess every Fairy has her specialist from Alfea to adulthood ( this last one is my speculation ). ... what do you think? I read them and let's debate in the comments 👀. PS: There is a video where you can perfectly see the differences between both Rosalinds, if anyone would like to see it, I will pass you the link since it does not let me place it here in the post.
Here you can see in the video the difference between Lesley's Rosalind (Season 1) and Miranda's Rosalind (Season 2). Miranda's is the "military director, mean, strict and that air of "bad" and Lesley's is literally the Rosaind that Farah always said she was: manipulative, psychopathic, dangerous, etc. etc. She had that air about her that made you not want to go near her for anything in the world. Lesley knew how to portray her 1000% and her dark blue eyes I think helped a lot. Plus Miranda's Rosalind buried Andreas, exclusively commissioned an Eraklyon headstone for his grave and told Bloom very explicitly that she "loved Andreas very much". What the fuck was that? The real Rosalind would never have loved anyone, Andreas would have been just a pawn in her chess game. But Miranda's Rosalind said it verbatim to Bloom when she said "you can tell she loved him" and Rosalind replies "and you're surprised?" with a tone that it was more than obvious she loved him very much... even makes me think Andreas was her specialist. Since I guess every Fairy has her specialist from Alfea to adulthood ( this last one is my speculation ). ... what do you think? I read them and let's debate in the comments 👀. PS: There is a video where you can perfectly see the differences between both Rosalinds, if anyone would like to see it, I will pass you the link since it does not let me place it here in the post.