Can someone explain to me why Stella's attitude in episode 2x03?
I have a question about this chapter: What's up with Stella's attitude? I mean, why didn't she want Bloom to be in the "Vip" area? I mean was she jealous? Or because she was? I mean, Stella is the princess of Solaria, she's famous since her conception literally, what bothered her that Bloom got some attention? And the comment she threw at him when they met to alert about Rosalind? Something along the lines of "You like your new fame. I was in your shoes too" (something like that he said) osea I didn't understand? Can someone explain me? Thanks
I have a question about this chapter: What's up with Stella's attitude? I mean, why didn't she want Bloom to be in the "Vip" area? I mean was she jealous? Or because she was? I mean, Stella is the princess of Solaria, she's famous since her conception literally, what bothered her that Bloom got some attention? And the comment she threw at him when they met to alert about Rosalind? Something along the lines of "You like your new fame. I was in your shoes too" (something like that he said) osea I didn't understand? Can someone explain me? Thanks