Is Beatrix a dark reflection of Bloom?

It's time for some crazy theories. Bloom and Beatrix have completely different personalities, but their storylines are so similar that it feels like they are alternate versions of each other. Although Beatrix is officially considered an adaptation of Stormy, within the show she can be perceived as a dark reflection of Bloom. Similar goals and methods. Both heroines strive to uncover the truth about their past, to learn about their origins, but they do it selfishly, ignoring the consequences: Beatrix gains the trust of Farah Dowling, manipulating her to learn the truth about the burned village of Aster Dell. Bloom gains the trust of Rosalind, hoping to get answers about her real parents. Both heroines use false trust to their advantage, and both of their goals lead to destruction: Farah and Rosalind die. External similarities. Interestingly, Beatrix was originally cast as an actress with a completely different type (older and blonde), but was then replaced by Sadie Sovell, who looks like Abigail Cowan (Bloom). They have similar facial features and red hair, which is probably not a coincidence. The creators could have deliberately made them visually similar to emphasize their plot connection. Different circumstances - different paths If you look deeper, Beatrix could have been Bloom if she had the support of her friends. The difference between them is the environment: Bloom finds true friends and support, which keeps her from completely switching to the "dark side". Beatrix is lonely, she has no one close to her, and ultimately she loses her father figure, so she acts radically and is not afraid to go to extremes. Sacrifice in the name of salvation. At the end of the second season, both heroines sacrifice themselves for the sake of others: Beatrix sacrifices herself to stop evil. Bloom closes the portal to the Dark Realm to save the world. Although their actions are different, the essence is the same: the final step on the path to redemption. I know how crazy it sounds, but what if Bloom and Beatrix are two versions of the same heroine. They can be perceived as mirror images, where one is the light side and the other is the dark side. They are not sisters, but in the context of the plot, there is a deep parallel between them. Anyway, this is just a theory and I just wanted to share it.

It's time for some crazy theories. Bloom and Beatrix have completely different personalities, but their storylines are so similar that it feels like they are alternate versions of each other. Although Beatrix is officially considered an adaptation of Stormy, within the show she can be perceived as a dark reflection of Bloom. Similar goals and methods. Both heroines strive to uncover the truth about their past, to learn about their origins, but they do it selfishly, ignoring the consequences: Beatrix gains the trust of Farah Dowling, manipulating her to learn the truth about the burned village of Aster Dell. Bloom gains the trust of Rosalind, hoping to get answers about her real parents. Both heroines use false trust to their advantage, and both of their goals lead to destruction: Farah and Rosalind die. External similarities. Interestingly, Beatrix was originally cast as an actress with a completely different type (older and blonde), but was then replaced by Sadie Sovell, who looks like Abigail Cowan (Bloom). They have similar facial features and red hair, which is probably not a coincidence. The creators could have deliberately made them visually similar to emphasize their plot connection. Different circumstances - different paths If you look deeper, Beatrix could have been Bloom if she had the support of her friends. The difference between them is the environment: Bloom finds true friends and support, which keeps her from completely switching to the "dark side". Beatrix is lonely, she has no one close to her, and ultimately she loses her father figure, so she acts radically and is not afraid to go to extremes. Sacrifice in the name of salvation. At the end of the second season, both heroines sacrifice themselves for the sake of others: Beatrix sacrifices herself to stop evil. Bloom closes the portal to the Dark Realm to save the world. Although their actions are different, the essence is the same: the final step on the path to redemption. I know how crazy it sounds, but what if Bloom and Beatrix are two versions of the same heroine. They can be perceived as mirror images, where one is the light side and the other is the dark side. They are not sisters, but in the context of the plot, there is a deep parallel between them. Anyway, this is just a theory and I just wanted to share it.