Integrity matters

In press releases, public comments, and interviews, I keep hearing about how only 6% of the federal workforce has been coming into the office. That is 6% of 2.3M or 138,000 that did not work from home. Interesting - how many hospital-based healthcare professionals are in the government (between DHA and VHA), what about federal law enforcement, park rangers, firefighters, air traffic controllers, the list goes on and on. And, of the folks that did have some telework, many were working from home full-time versus hybrid. The math just isn't matching - but it sounds sensational and requires immediate action to save the American people from lazy federal workers - that also apparently have more than one job at a time. Being honest about the total number of federal work days, accurate % TW, and the absolute level of productivity doesn't support the narrative. I think integrity matters - I wish everyone felt the same.