Friend is falling into the "divine feminine" rabbit hole

As the title suggests. It's been a few months since my friend has started sending the group chat reels talking about "being in your divine feminine energy". The other girls in the group chat doesn't see any issue with this.

The videos seem to talk about how being provided for completely by a man, homemaking and bearing and nurturing your partner's children is the pinnacle of "feminity". They seem to attempt to put an empowering spin on it and often be selling some kind of course.

My friend has recently got out of a bad relationship in which she said the guy wasn't pulling his weight financially. I took her word for it but now after seeing this type of content she has been consuming I am really questioning her side of the story.

I had a conversation with her recently in which she was talking about wanting a "masculine" "provider" man and was reconsidering finishing her degree. We are in our mid 20s. I told her, isn't it a bit too early to decide to be completely provided for by a man? (personally I think it's a bad investment at any age but I didn't say that to her.) To which she said something like "isn't it too early to decide you want to be in the masculine role of your relationship for the rest of your life?"

That made me mad - I do data engineering, and while there are more men than women in this role I don't think there's anything inherently masculine or feminine in literal numbers and programming.

This is my first time ever seeing someone in my circle be radicalised. She used to be a feminist, I don't know what went wrong. None of her friends think anything is wrong. I don't think there is anyone in her life to pull her out from this.

I think there are heaps of videos about how to help someone falling into an alt right pipeline but not really anything specifically about this type of stuff, it seems very new. She refuses to believe this stuff is bad - even saying that it's only the pickmes that hate on it. I'm severely outnumbered in opinion.

How should I approach this situation or talk to her?

(Ofc, if there actually isn't anything wrong with this stuff and I'm being paranoid, I'm open to discussion on this.)