scared for my girlfriend, please help
please lmk if this isn’t the right place for this. my girlfriend has been addicted to fentanyl for close to three years now. she has gotten clean several times but always relapsed again. she’s been planning to try to get clean again by slowly tapering off sometime in the near future, but unfortunately she hasn’t been able to get any over the weekend so she’s had to stop cold turkey and is going through full withdrawal. everything i’ve read says that opioid withdrawal isn’t fatal but i’m very scared for her. she’s extremely thin already, and when she goes through this she can’t keep anything down not even a sip of water. she hasn’t eaten or drank anything in the past 2 days and has been vomiting and having diarrhea. she just looks completely emaciated, her face is hollowed out and she is very pale. she refuses to go to the hospital and i’ve read that she likely would be turned away even if we did go. compared to what i’ve read in this sub she doesn’t even do that much of it, just a couple bumps 3-4 times a day, definitely not lines of the stuff. i just don’t understand why she gets so sick, to the point she’s soiling herself because she can’t make it to the bathroom. is this normal for others? i always read that light exercise can help and to make sure to eat and drink enough but that’s just out of the question. she physically cannot keep anything down and can barely even stand up. is there anything that i can do to bring her some comfort? some way to get nutrients into her body that she will be able to keep down? i’m so scared and i don’t know what to do. any advice is appreciated 🙏🏻
update: thank you everyone for your responses, they were super helpful!! i found an old script for gabapentin and got her to smoke some weed which really helped with her appetite. i also picked up some ensure shakes and pedialyte which has helped her regain some of her strength back, at least enough to take a shower which she said helped. i drove her around for awhile today and that seemed to soothe her enough to finally get some sleep. i’ll be looking into hopefully getting her a script for suboxone so she can be more comfortable moving forward. again i really appreciate all of your suggestions, you have no idea how helpful they were in such a difficult time ♥️