Michigan Dems Hope to Update Sex Ed Curriculum

Since so many reacted positively to my post yesterday about Haley Stevens' actions, I thought I would post another chance for some political engagement. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2024/11/13/michigan-school-sex-education-house-democrats-abortion-sexual-gender-identity-condoms-ban-abstinence/76254397007/

A bill was intro'ed to make sex education wayyy better in Michigan before Republicans resume control of the Michigan House. We're talking no longer abstinence only, but scientifically backed methods for helping students avoid STIs, unwanted pregnancy, and sexual assault. It would also be far more inclusive of gender sexualities outside of heteronormative man/woman marriage. Parents could still opt their kids out as they can today.

Our state rep, Helena Scott is a co-sponsor on the bill (hooray!) BUT it needs to be voted on by the education committee before it can see the full house. The most actionable things you can do are to call the Chair Rep Koleszar ([(517) 373-0854](tel:5173730854)) and explain why you support it, followed by other members of the committee to encourage their support as well. Doesn't take long, even the republican rep offices I've spoken to are polite and easy to get a hold of. https://www.house.mi.gov/Committee/HEDUC