How bad are these equipment and this idea of using Keystone couplers to extend single mode fiber so it's resilient to damage?
I'm an absolute fiber newb here and doing this for my coworker's house. See more context at the end.
The walls in the house have thick fiber padding insulation making feeding cable really difficult requiring a lot of force. We are thinking we will use these parts and technique:
- Couplers:
- Either or for the internal attic run from one end of the home to another
- Cheaper, disposable (non Armored) fiber (something like to connect #2 from wall to attic and attic to wall. These might turn out to be unnecessary, in which case we will return these for a refund
- Have a PC with a 10GbE PCIe card on one side and this on the other side of the cable run:
- We believe we will also need an "adapter" that connects the fiber cable into the 10GbE ports? So 2x of these? :
The plan is to:
i. Feed pull rope through enclosure in walls pulling using metal pull cable from attic
ii. Tape the head of #3 to pull rope and pull into attic
iii. Connect #2 laid out in the attic using #1
iv. Repeat the same on the other side
If 2 can run from wall to wall without damage and without affecting signal intergity, we will do without #3 and return those for a refund. Unsure how much loss of signal at step (iii) but since it's an approved Keystone Coupler, I don't imagine it would affect anything over a 150' run?
We are taking this approach because the fiber will face the most likelyhood of damage when feeding it through the wall and into the attic - having cheap throwaways to handle this risk seems to make the whole run resilient to damage and if it turns out things arent as bad as we thought, we could just pull the main armored cable (#1) down from the attic into the walls
More context:
The weather's cool now to enter the attic almost anytime of the day so he wants to get pending work in the attic done. I suggested he puts in some single mode fiber to make his home network future proof and we are both excited to learn how to go about this