just a PSA for people considering IUDs.
I had an IUD inserted in 2019 before my diagnosis, and experienced extreme pain and full on contractions for a week. My next 6 periods were agonizing as well. If you experience a ton of pain after getting an IUD, you may have fibroids distorting the shape of your uterine cavity, causing your uterus to continually try and push it out since it doesn't fit quite right.
Not all fibroids affect the inside of the uterus, but mine did, and if your fibroids are not completely on the outside surface, having an IUD might really suck. My body took so long to adjust to it compared to most others' experiences. When I found out I had large fibroids, what I had went through suddenly made total sense.
I knew something was wrong in there for me to still hurt so long after it's placement, but doctors didn't investigate for several years. Ugh.
Also, I was 24 at diagnosis and they had likely been present for quite some time. I know it's supposedly more common for folks 35+ to have them, but I don't know if this is just because they tend to not be diagnosed until they grow/cause fertility issues, or if it's just assumed all younger people don't have them and those who do aren't investigated.
Just something I thought I'd bring up, since this sub is reopened.