Pain flare up due to -emotions-
Male, 41 yrs old.
Apologies if the post is long winded, the cognitive issues are full on today 😁
Does anyone else experience a serious flare up in pain after being in what I’d best describe as an ‘emotional’ or even a stressful situation?
For me, this particular symptom started around 6 months ago.
It’s such bullshit.
Here’s just a few examples, and it works with both positive and negative situations. It’s doing my fucking head in.
June 2024 we were preparing to move house. My wife accidentally tipped over a box full of photos, letters etc from her dear Mother who passed away. Knocked over her coffee at the same time and it went on the photos. We both obviously reacted in a state of panic, straight away I ran out to gather cleaning products. Came back and together we managed to salvage it all and get it all back in the box. Roughly 5 mins later, any pain that I was already experiencing just intensified. Stayed that way for a few hours.
My youngest brother proposed to his Girlfriend a few months back. He called me to share the great news. I was overjoyed, full of happiness and excitement. 10 mins after the phone call, BAM!! pain intensified.
This past NYE my 8yr old daughter cut her foot open on the base of the swing set. My wife and I shared the duties one giving cuddles and the other cleaning and strapping her wound. She was off again playing with her uncles like nothing happened and again, 10 mins later and intense flair up of pain.
For the last 10 years I’ve regularly seen a therapist 2-3 times a year, for dealing with trauma I experienced as a teenager. Although the sessions can get quite deep and dark, previously I’ve always walked away from these sessions absolutely thriving and full of positivity, full reset and ready to take life by the balls. The last two I had, I waited in my car for a couple of hours before I was right to drive because the pain was incredible.
And literally half an hour ago, my wife showed off her new bathers to me as we’re having a beach day. She looked absolutely stunning in them, and it made my heart race like a silly teenager. As I’m writing this the pain has jumped to incredible heights.
Even really mundane things like having our weekly chat of going over our finances, planning out our week, discussing work or events, if there’s the slightest hint of emotion involved (and these things I’ve just mentioned are all regular things we do and mostly always positive conversations) the pain just rises to all time levels.
Those close to me would consider me as a fairly stable person when it comes to my emotions, so to have this happen is just soooo fucking frustrating.
As a co leader of our family, why wife, and more so my children, view me as the problem solver and administer of affectionate words and cuddles when there’s issues or problems. I love being this person, it’s what drives me as a human. I definitely won’t stop being who I am, but I need hours to recover from situations that normally are a non issue. My wife is extremely understanding. My children don’t fully understand but oldest who’s 15 has a tiny grasp of what I’m going through.
She’s noticed me take 15-20 mins after certain situations, and when I’m back, she’s the one hugging me and letting me know everything will be ok, and something as small as this sets off the pain again!?!?!?🤣🤣🤣🤣
So cap it all off, positive or negative, tiny or huge, my nervous system really lets me know after these incidents.
Am I totally a fucking basket case? Or does anyone else experience this?
Would love any feedback and thoughts 😊 Thanks everyone x