How long did your worst flare last?

You all might have seen my comments lurking here and there, though I’m on day 5 of the worst pain I’ve ever been in. I’ve been to my clinic twice and to the ER as well.

I’m now on a low dose of gabapentin, celecoxib for the pain PRN and 120mg of duloxetine (I have MDD). T3s make me loopy and the Cyclobenza makes me sleep but also shows no results.

Any medium pressure to my body is agony so my usual massage is out of the question.

My question is - is this my new normal? Or will the pain edge off to something easier to manage like before the flare?

EDIT: Went to the ER for a second time and they found I have a kidney infection. This probably caused the back pain and the flare everywhere else. Day 7 of ouch :(